Paternal Grandmother Temporary Custody and Child Care
by Carol from Gouldsboro, Pennsylvania
Grandmother has temporary verbal consent of the father and the granddaughter (child is 15 yrs old) to be the custodian.
Needs medical release form for any medical care child might need.
Answer to Florida Court Forms Question
Dear Carol,
The type of form that you are looking for is called a "Limited Non-Durable Power of Attorney for Minor Child(ren) Care".
It allows a designated individual to authorize any or all of the following:
- to consent for emergency medical treatment;
- to authorize all necessary medical treatment, including surgery and hospitalization;
- to provide for the safety of the child;
- to provide for the education, and welfare of the child;
- to provide for enrollment in a school or sport activities;
- to sign documents in connection with the care and medical treatment;
- to perform any parental acts regarding discipline and supervision, arbitration of disputes,
- to act as a guardian for custody of the child;
other powers regarding your child (for example: travel arrangements, picking the child up from school, etc).
In a quick search online I was able to locate a
free form. You can copy and paste this free form into your own text editor or word processor and edit to suit your particular needs.
If you'd like, you can use our Petition Preparer service to create a this document to your specifications and we can have it filled out for you, too! Just ask us for a
free quote.
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answers to the general public and our website visitors as a means to further their online legal research. These answers are merely suggestions and should not be regarded as legal advice.

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