Interstate Support Enforcement
by Jennifer from Florida
My ex husband lives in Tennessee and our children and I live in Florida.
He has not paid child support since April 2008.
I have exhausted all means of attempting to get him to pay.
The children still go see him every summer, but say he is not working.
I finally got the state to suspend his driver license after a year of nonpayment, and took his income tax of $300.00 in 2009, but he is $6,000.00 behind at this point and I can't get anything else done. Please help?!!
Answer to Florida Child Support Question
Dear Jennifer,
You don't say whether your child support order originates from Florida or Tennessee, and in theory it should not matter.
I had to do the math twice to make sure I was doing it right. If he hasn't paid since 2008, and is $6000 in arrears, then is the support order really only $250. a month for (at least) two children???
I don't know exactly who to tell you to contact if jurisdiction for your case is in Tennessee, except that every state has some sort of agency which is designated to enforce child support.
In Florida, as you likely are well aware, the agency that is designated to enforce child support is the Florida Department of Revenue (DOR). They do an uneven job of enforcement at best.
In addition to contacting the DOR, you might also be able to get some help from Governor Scott's office. Here is the contact information for the program director at DOR Child Support Enforcement.
Many of us know the true definition of frustration after multiple attempts to get something accomplished by calling the DOR Customer Service number. Maybe she can help.
Ann Coffin, Program Director
Child Support Enforcement
Florida Department of Revenue
P. O. Box 8030
Tallahassee, FL 32314-8030
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