Child Support Amount & Self Employed
by Anonymous from Florida
Both parents are self employed so our incomes vary each month. How will this be calculated for support?
Is it based on our annual tax return? Is it averaged over a specific time period?
It is difficult for us to determine what a fair support payment is since we are trying to negotiate between the two parents.
Answer to Florida Child Support Question
Dear Anonymous,
Both of you may need to fill out Financial Affidavits.
Then use the figures from both of the Financial Affidavits and prepare the Child Support Guidelines Worksheet.
When you do the calculations you will arrive at a percentage each of you must provide for support.
These forms and other Florida family law forms for pro se litigants can be found on the Florida Supreme Court's
The Financial Affidavits call for monthly income and expenses. You do not necessarily need to provide documentation supporting your income and expenses. Generally, documentation is only required if one party requests proof from the other party.
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